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UCR in the News

Tree-killing beetle is on a death march through Southern California’s oaks. Can it be stopped?

The Los Angeles Times |
Joelene Tamm, a graduate student in entomology who studies the goldspotted oak borer, says the beetle could spread all the way through California and into Oregon.
UCR in the News

Q&A: Should We Be Having Babies In a Warming World?

Inside Climate News |
UCR environmental scientist Jade Sasser's research and new book focuses on the racial dimensions of eco-anxiety and reproduction decisions.
UCR in the News

New to US: Hornets that butcher bees and sting people. Humans are fighting back.

USA Today |
UCR entomologist Erin Wilson-Rankin, who has studied invasive social wasps for nearly 20 years, says they eat everything, including caterpillars, aphids, flies, the whole gamut of arthropods.
UCR in the News

NASA Releases Catalog Packed With the Most Bizarre Alien Worlds

Gizmodo |
UCR astrophysicist Stephen Kane is prinicpal investigator of NASA's TESS-Keck Survey which contains detailed measurements of 126 newly discovered planets outside our solar system. One of the alien planets includes a Super-Earth so close to its star that one year on it is equivalent to half an Earth day. 
UCR in the News

Mexicans living in the U.S. vote early in their homeland's historic presidential election

Yahoo News via NBC |
As a Mexican national in the U.S., Jorge Leal, a UCR history professor, shares why he consistently votes in Mexico's elections by mail.
UCR in the News

We finally know how cockroaches conquered the world

National Geographic |
Chow-Yang Lee, a UCR urban entomologist Likewise, says scientists have long suspected that the Asian cockroach is actually the ancestor for the German cockroach, but he is excited to read a new paper demonstrating that this is true.
UCR in the News

Scientists Calculated the Energy Needed to Carry a Baby. Shocker: It’s a Lot.

The New York Times |
In this New York Times story, UCR evolutionary biologist David Reznick weighs in on a study that determined the number of calories a woman must expend to grow a baby inside of her body.
UCR in the News

As Western Drought Recedes, the Great Salt Lake Is the Biggest It’s Been in Years

The Wall Street Journal |
In this Wall Street Journal story, professor of public policy Bruce Babcock weighs in on the "reprieve" two years of heavy rains and an ample snowpack have delivered to Western bodies of water including the Great Salt Lake.